Unite for freedom rally in london everyone had a google or apple tracking device in their pocket

Ironic but it shows just how deeply embedded these corporations are in our lives

This is no criticism of everyone who attended, it is part of the wake up call

If freedom is important to you and human rights like privacy are important to you then it’s time to move on from these corporations who follow your every move, every action, every tweet, live stream, message, like, share… Google even knows when you are laying down and logs it


Your mobile and all of the apps installed on it are working hard in the background gathering data on you and packing it off to all and any customers willing to pay for it

Google still makes most of it $Billions a year from advertising sales, why? Because advertisers are willing to pay for ads that are targeted so incredibly and specifically well

Facebook is the same. There is a story online of one facebook advertiser in the early days who successfully managed to target an ad to their flat mate as a prank. One person. That is how powerful this level of data gathering is (Facebook had to start restricting advertisers tools to stop this, but that didn’t stop Cambridge Analytica from abusing it to sabotage elections)


It is also unethical, and a violation of your privacy

When I got my first smart phone I skipped entering a google account. Later however I added a google account so a friend of mine could download some games from the play store. I figured no big deal I will remove it later. IT WOULD NOT LET ME! So until I got time to backup, wipe and de google the device google followed me around logging everything I did to my friends account. now linking me and my device to them

Freedom in the digital world is the same as Freedom in the real world. It’s time to switch to the alternative and delete these corporations from our lives

You CAN have mobile phones, tablets laptops etc without this pervasive and invasive surveillance

If you want to continue using your tech, LIBERATE IT!


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